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A high quality of life, a liberal labour market with a moderate tax burden, excellent universities and well connected internationally: Zurich offers an ideal environment for residents and companies alike.
Explore Zurich's Innovation Ecosystems
Erkunde die Zürcher Innovations-ÖkosystemeZurich - Switzerland’s Economic Engine
The Canton of Zurich is an important growth driver of the Swiss economy. With a gross domestic product (GDP) of more than 143 billion Swiss francs in 2017, which corresponds to twenty per cent of Switzerland’s total GDP, Zurich delivers the strongest economic performance and highest value added within Switzerland.
An effective way to increase value added is for companies, research & educational institutions and specialised organisations to collaborate in eco systems along the value-added chain. The following key industries play a decisive role in the Zurich business region:
- Financial services
- Life sciences
- Information and communications technology
- Cleantech
- Aerospace
Networking & Dialogue
The Division of Business and Economic Development contributes to an increase in innovative strength in the Zurich area by way of connecting the various stakeholders. This includes organising regular eco system dialogue events at which representatives from one or several key industries have the opportunity to meet and to discuss current issues.
The goal is:
- to offer insight into individual key industries and to highlight their characteristics,
- to give eco-system-connecting and cross-eco-system impetus,
- to bring together and connect representatives from various disciplines and specialised fields,
- to show the potential within the key industries and beyond the eco systems,
- to stimulate new collaborations and fields of activity.
Events (all in German)
Past events (all in German)
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Innovation and Technology Transfer
Innovation transfer and technology transfer are key factors for eco system advancement. The following organisations play a pivotal role in that respect:
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Office for Economy - Business and Economic Development Division
Monday to Friday
8 a.m. to 12 a.m.
1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
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