
Almost everywhere in the Canton of Zurich can be reached by public transport (train, bus or tram). Vehicle registrations are issued by the Road Traffic Office, where you can convert your non-Swiss driving licence into a locally valid licence. No permit is required for bicycles.

Public transport

Almost everywhere in the Canton of Zurich can be reached by train or bus. The city of Zurich also has an extensive tram network. If you use public transport on a regular basis, we recommend that you enquire about travelcards or multi-journey tickets or discounted tickets («Sparbillete»). Many municipalities also offer day passes at reduced prices. Please check the Zurich Transport Network («Zürcher Verkehrsverbund», ZVV) or the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) websites for more information on tickets, discounts and travelcards.

Motor vehicles (cars/motorbikes)

If you have a non-Swiss driving licence, you have 12 months to convert it into a Swiss driving licence. Please submit your application to the Canton of Zurich Road Traffic Office («Strassenverkehrsamt»).

If you import your car or motorbike to Switzerland and wish to register it here, you must declare your vehicle at customs on arrival. Once you have completed the necessary formalities of customs, you must contact the Road Traffic Office to apply for registration («Zulassung») for your car or motorbike. Please note that you may only drive your motor vehicle in Switzerland if you have motor vehicle insurance («Auto-/Motorradversicherung»).

The use of the roads in Switzerland is free of charge, except for motorways. To use the motorway, you are required by law to purchase an annual motorway tax sticker («Vignette»). You can purchase these at border control posts, at petrol stations, post offices or from the Canton of Zurich Road Traffic Office.


No permit or test is required to ride a bike in Switzerland. It is not a legal requirement to wear a protective helmet, but we recommend that you do. We also recommend that you take out a personal liability insurance («Privathaftpflichtversicherung») as you will be personally liable if you cause damage to people or objects.

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Uetlibergstrasse 301
8036 Zürich
Route (Google)


Montag und Dienstag
7.15 bis 17.00 Uhr

Mittwoch bis Freitag
7.15 bis 16.00 Uhr

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