
Mutter mit zwei Kleinkindern im Freien. Die Mutter hält eines der Kinder im Arm, das andere befindet sich im Hintergrund.

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We ensure fair social security. That is one of the main duties of a modern state. Social security does not only stand for social responsibility, it is also the foundation of peaceful coexistence.

Social security

Our contribution to social security is enabling people to participate and play an active part in society. Our goal is to see everyone integrated in a society which is becoming more and more diverse.

Cantonal Social Welfare Office

The range of duties and functions of the Cantonal Social Welfare Office includes public welfare, the enforcement of the federal act on the matter of assistance for people in need, the coordination of asylum welfare,
supplementary benefits of the Old-Age and Survivors’ Insurance and the Invalidity Insurance, the enforcement of the act on family allowances, and approving and subsidizing certain homes and other institutions for adults.

In April 2019, the Cantonal Social Welfare Office created the Coordination Office for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Migration Office

The Migration Office enforces federal law, issues entry and residence permits, and is in charge of visa renewals and the issuance of return visa.

In the case of people who have forfeited their right of residence and fail to leave the country voluntarily, the Migration Office instigates the necessary measures and actions.




Neumühlequai 10
8090 Zürich
Route (Google)