Cluster Data

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The cluster data below was compiled in collaboration with the Statistical Office Canton of Zurich and is based on the most recent data available.

Share of Clusters in the Overall Economy

Canton of Zurich and Switzerland, 2021

Key Figures 

Canton of Zurich, 2021

Significance Canton of Zurich


% = share in overall economy
123 = comparison of absolute numbers Canton of Zurich and Switzerland

Jobs by Size of Company

Canton of Zurich, 2021

% = share of jobs by size of company
123 = share of jobs and corresponding full-time equivalents by size of company

Newly Founded Companies

Canton of Zurich and Switzerland overall, 2021

% = newly founded companies Canton of Zurich in relation to the same cluster nationwide
123 = comparison of absolute numbers Canton of Zurich and Switzerland

Female Employees

Canton of Zurich, 2021

Comparison City of Zurich and Rest of Canton

Canton of Zurich, 2021


Clusters and overall economy, Canton of Zurich, 2021

The data curves can be displayed or hidden by clicking on the clusters  

Data Sources


Office for Economy - Business and Economic Development Division


Walchestrasse 19
8090 Zürich
Route (Google)


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