Social Security System

The Swiss social security system is divided into five different types of insurance schemes. These are required by law and deducted directly from your salary payments. Although, it is not compulsory we strongly reccomended you have household and a personal liability insurance cover as well.

Safeguarding your livelihood

The Swiss social security system helps protect the residents of Switzerland from risks and safeguards their economic well-being. This insurance cover is required by law and – with the exception of health insurance – is deducted directly from your salary payments. Employers, self-employed persons as well as people without employment are also obliged to pay contributions toward social insurance. Although, it is not compulsory, we strongly recommended you have household and a personal liability insurance cover («Hausrat- und Privathaftplfichtversicherung») as well.

The Swiss social security system is divided into five different insurance schemes:

  • Old-Age and Survivor’s Insurance (AHV) and Disability Insurance (IV)
  • Health and Accident Insurance (UV)
  • Income Compensation Allowances in case of military service, maternity or paternity (starting 1.1.2021) (EO)
  • Unemployment Insurance  (ALV)
  • Family Allowances


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