Government Councillor Dr. Silvia Steiner

Silvia Steiner, Member of the Government Council

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Silvia Steiner has been Head of the Department of Education since 2015.


I have been a member of the Zurich Government and the Department of Education since 2015. Being Head of the Department of Education is a highly interesting task, but also a great responsibility. Because today more than ever, only those who receive a proper education will be able to live a self-determined life later on. We must do everything we can to provide the children and adolescents in the Canton of Zurich with the best education and training possible. A strong compulsory public school to which all children have access and educational system that enables all kinds of career choices are the foundation.

Our compulsory public school also guarantees peaceful coexistence. There is no other place in our society where everyone comes together, regardless of their social, cultural, or religious background. School does not only teach the children and teenagers how to read and write, but also how to live side-by-side and be a part of our society. Our schools and teachers accomplish a tremendous amount in that regard. I see it as my job to support all of our teachers in their endeavours as best I can.

Silvia Steiner

About Silvia Steiner

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Party membership: The Centre
Date of birth: 14 March 1958
Domicile: Zurich

Jahr Tätigkeit
2005 – 2015 Public prosecutor, Head of Division;
Specialist and lead public prosecutor in the field of human trafficking
2004 Doctorate in Criminology at the University of Lausanne
2002 – 2005 Head of the Criminal Police in Zug
1995 – 2002 High-ranking police officer, head of the Criminal Police, Zurich City Police
1988 – 1995 District attorney
1984 – 1988 Intern and court clerk
1984 Graduation from the University of Zurich with a degree in law

Since 2024 Co-Vice President of the Swiss Conference of Higher Education Institutions SHK
Seit 2015 Head of the Department of Education
2007–2015 Member of the Cantonal Parliament – member of the Justice Commission,
the Economy and Labour Commission,
the Parliamentary Investigation Committee PUK-BVK
1986–1998 Member of the District School Board in Zurich




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8090 Zürich
Route (Google)


+41 43 259 23 09



Montag bis Freitag
8.30 bis 12.00 Uhr und
13.30 bis 17.00 Uhr


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